Good News! A Special Announcement
8th Mountain Ranch has a NEW BEGINNING in beautiful Woodland Park, Colorado! Through a series of unexpected events and creative solutions, 8th Mountain relocated just before the fall season retired in late October 2021! We are so grateful for the faithfulness of those who have believed in our vision, fervently prayed for a new home to operate,…
Read MoreGO, Tell it on the Mountain!
“….but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect….” (1 Peter 3:15) We believe 8th Mountain Ranchis the answer to many silent prayers of troubled teens and disintegrating families struggling…
Read More8th Mtn Family Ranch Update
Merry Christmas,From All of Us at 8th Mountain Ranch “Behold, the virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call HimImmanuel” which means, “God with us” (Matthew 1:23) GOOD NEWS! God is With US!In this Christmas season of heralding good news, we welcome the opportunity to share specifically how we’ve seen the…
Read MoreSpecial Announcement – We’re Moving!
Expectation positions us to see miracles, big and small. It sharpens our vision and focuses our attention towards God. It liberates us from apprehension that blinds us to the majesty before us. During the quiet sleepy months of winter, our family seeks the Lord for His direction for 8th Mountain’s coming season. This year, the third pillar…
Read MoreOctober 2017 Update
Why God Isn’t In Control While God is absolutely in charge, He has no desire to be in control. When God created mankind, He gave the greatest gift possible. He gave us our freedom. Freedom is of the highest value to God. His passion was for a people who were free to choose Him…or…
Read MoreMarch 2016 Update
Healing Encounter It has been said, “God made the horse from the breath of the wind, the beauty of the earth, and the essence of an angel.” Horses and humans have traveled together since the dawn of time, and have been an integral part of the kingdom of heaven since before time began. These elegant creatures…
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